Coronavirus Preventions and Measures

Coronavirus Preventions and Measures - AmbraneIndia

Despite taking every precaution and following the strict protocols, India has again reported the surge of active cases from February 2021 which is now declared as the second wave of COVID-19. However, in this crucial time, it is important for each one of us to make ourselves realize, that pandemic still exists and is now spreading at an extensive pace. There is an urgent need to follow Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) and precautions properly to protect ourselves and others. 

Tips for Preventions

  • Practice Social Distancing:

Social Distancing is one of the vital measures to prevent COVID-19. It’s a practice of keeping a few feet physical distance from another person in a crowded area. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), at least 6 feet distance should be there to overcome this pandemic situation. The distance will avoid contact with the respiratory droplets produced by coughing and sneezing. Thus, it is rightly said and should be followed, “Do Gaz Doori Bahut hai Zaroori”. 

  • Frequent Washing of Hands

COVID-19 is a transmission of its virus particles into the air, making it difficult for every human being to resist. To be on the safe side, everybody should wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after visiting public places. Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Carry A Sanitizer:

Sanitizers have evolved as a need from want. It is now a must to carry a bottle of sanitizer with you every time you step outside your place. A perfect dilution of sanitizer consists of at least 80% of alcohol to kill the virus. It is the most effective and economical way of keeping our hands clean from bacteria or viruses.

  • Use A Face Mask: 

Face Masks have been essential accessories in protecting ourselves from infection of the novel virus. A mask works as a shield while stepping out in the crowded streets. Keeping no contact between your mouth and the outside world, a face mask has been turned into a part of our daily lifestyle. 

As we are all aware of these unprecedented times, we have to overcome the pandemic together by taking extra precautions for not just ourselves but for society as a whole. On behalf of the whole Ambrane family, we would request everyone to follow the government guidelines wholeheartedly and avoid going outdoors unnecessarily. 

Together we can win a battle against the pandemic. 

Stay home, Stay Safe!