Imagine sleeping soundly with a 99% battery, only to be greeted with 60% the next morning. Bummer, isn’t it? Or say you’re out with friends, but when it’s time for a quick snap, your previously ‘fully charged’ battery has dropped to less than 50%. This dramatic loss of charge has many reasons, most of which you couldn’t have easily guessed. In this blog, we’ll dig into reasons and solutions for the all-too-familiar drastic battery drain. 

1. Always on Features

If your phone battery drains overnight or when not in use it might be because smart features like bluetooth and Wi-Fi are left on unnecessarily. Make sure to turn off any such features before sleeping, as it’ll prevent your phone battery draining faster than it normally does overnight. 

Solution: You can also turn on aeroplane mode if you are not expecting any urgent calls or messages.

2. Automatic Brightness for Visibility 

When we’re outside, especially during midday, our phone adjusts brightness to help us see in the blazing sun, which can cause major battery drain. 

Solution: To prevent sudden cell phone battery drain, go to settings and turn off automatic brightness. However, if you prefer automatic brightness, it’s better not to use your phone in the sunlight. 

3. Unnecessary Power Consumption 

Nowadays, popular brands like iPhone, Oppo, Samsung, Google, One Plus, etc., use OLED or AMOLED displays in their models. In these types of displays, each pixel is individually lit, but when you use ‘dark mode’, fewer pixels are used. 

Solution: When the screen displays black or dark colours, extra pixels are turned off or use less power. This move can save you a lot of battery power! 

4. App Tracking for Updates 

When we first download an app, it takes certain permissions for data syncing. A major reason for battery loss is this background app activity, required for updates. 

Solution: To save your battery, you should turn off background syncing and disable automatic updates in the phone settings by selecting the particular app. To find out more, go to settings to discover which apps use the most battery power and customise permissions accordingly. 

5. Constantly Active Screen 

Have you ever noticed how long your screen remains active idly? This could be contributing to battery loss.

Solution: To consume less power, change your display setting and choose the minimum screen timeout period (i.e., 30 seconds). On an iphone, you have to select the ‘auto lock’ option before proceeding with the time-limit. 

6. Searching for Signals 

If you’re in an area with poor signal, your phone will try to find and connect to a network. It’s best not to turn on the internet in such cases, as it will take a toll on the battery. 

Solution: Turn on aeroplane mode to save power. If there’s Wi-Fi availability, it’s advisable to use that in place of cellular data. You can always keep power banks to prevent getting stuck in a low battery crisis. 

7. Overheating in Summers 

You must’ve faced difficulty in phone charging during summer when you’re not in an air-conditioned room. Extreme temperatures affect battery health both temporarily and long-term. Therefore, It’s best not to use your phone in direct sunlight where it can overheat and deplete battery percentage. 

Solution: To prevent rapid battery drain, leave your phone in a cooler area and avoid using it while charging, especially if it’s warm. For extra precautions, use chargers that have overheat protection

8. Too Many Apps at the Same Time 

Remember to clear any background apps from your recent apps list and avoid using multiple apps in the background. For example, using the music app while scrolling social media or reading online. Simultaneous app use can cause excessive load on the phone, resulting in quick power drain. 

Solution: If you are an Apple user and often get stuck with ‘low power mode’, MagSafe power banks could help you out here. With a portable battery charger for phones, you can carry on with your gaming, melodious time, or simply binge-watching on a boring train journey. 


In this digital era, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. It is a well-known fact that battery health naturally degrades over time, nevertheless, you can contribute to longer battery life by making a few tweaks here and there.